ANGEL option emergency call center

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ANGEL activation code for professional tracking by the emergency call center.

🌐 valid for one person and for one year

🌐 provides additional security for people who temporarily work alone

🌐 initially only available in DACH countries (Germany, Austria and Swiss). For other countries please contact us in advance.

Without emergency call center:

The alarm goes directly to the emergency contact previously defined in the app. The emergency contact helps himself or organizes help. (e.g. sends rescue to GPS data, etc..).

With emergency call center:

  1. The alarm goes directly to the emergency call center, the emergency call center calls the casualty and inquires about the health condition. and inquires about the health condition. If the casualty is well and this is confirmed to the emergency call center, the case is considered closed. If the victim needs help, a rescue can be sent directly to the GPS data sent.

  2. If the victim does not pick up the phone, the emergency contact is called. The emergency contact can now help himself, organize help or ask the emergency call center to notify the rescue.

  3. If neither the victim nor the emergency contact can be reached, the rescue is sent directly to the GPS data, the rescue gets the name and the company of the victim as information to find him better.

What is Angel from ADRESYS?